Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The End

Well, the life of my blog didn't last long, but I think it's only fair to put it to rest instead of neglecting it. So I never really wanted to write my own blog, but just read others that were much more interesting. So as of now, don't really expect to get any more blogs outta me, not that anyone probably read them anyway, but I hope to re-join blog world in a year or so as wedding plans are on approaching and all that jazz so I will actually have something fun to talk about, and can write something at least weekly... I definitely plan to become an avid write after we get married when I can share the stories of our newlywed days! Ta-Ta for now!

1 comment:

  1. I'm heartbroken!! Well please stop by mine often and say hello and leave me comments, so I know SOMEONE is reading mine!



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