Yay! I passed all of my classes this semester! My grades being A,B+,C+. It's sad that I'm so thrilled with a C, but you know what they say, "C's get degrees!". So I officially only have one semester left of college. I am pretty excited. This summer is going to be tough, but I am vowing to stay on top of things and not have to be so worried come finals week. I don't know what it is but I always make myself a pact and then somehow weasle my way out of it or get behind and then I am scrambling at the end. So I have to keep at it so that it will pay off in the end! If I can bring my GPA up to a 3.5 (3.15 now) then I can graduate with Cum Laude. I don't know if that's possible just because I don't know if even three A's would make it jump that high, and I don't want to do the math, but that's my goal! It's just so surreal that the end is finally in sight...what a great feeling:) I will actually be applying for summer graduation on May 11th, holy cow that's in 5 days! whoo hoo! i would LOVE LOVE LOVE for all my lovely ladies to be at graduation, but 1)I wouldn't torture ya'll by having to sit through it and 2) only 5 graduation tickets being offered doesn't leave any for anyone but my GMa, Fam, and David:( So I know I am jumping the gun on talking about graduation already, but I can't help it, I'm finally excited! Here's a pic of our awesome Biology building. I think I am liking school again now that i know the end is near!
Anywho, this is my week off in between classes and I am anxious about starting a new semester. AND bright futures doesn't cover summer classes so my parents ARE NOT TOO HAPPY about the $1900 tuition that comes with only THREE classes. Seems like a rip off huh? I am just so lucky that they roll their eyes (well my mom anyways), and says we'll do whatever we need to do. I could very easily be told to figure it out myself...so I am SO thankful for them and their willingness to keep paying for my mistakes (i.e. dropping classes and losing that money).
Oh and by the way, my Dad got a new truck! Well new to him anyways. He SO deserves it and I am so excited for him. I absolutely love it. It's a big man's truck and is fully loaded. I'm talking a sunroof and a flip down dvd player, what?! Not that he cares about any of that, just that it's 4x4 and some specific engine size, but I must say I am enjoying the plusses;) This is EXACTLY what it looks like as far as color and body and year, but his has a higher lift and bigger tires so it looks a lot different in that aspect. I don't have a real pic of it on my camera yet. You feel like the king of the road when you drive it!
SWWEEEEETTT!!!! I WANT A NEW CAR...tell him to buy me a new car! :) haha just kidding tell him I am happy for him and it is SSWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!