…with nail polish! So anyone who knows me, knows I’m a nail biter. Have been my whole life. It’s a gross habit and I hate that I do it, but I can’t help it. Or should I say, couldn’t?
*Knock on Wood*
This is the longest stretch that I’ve ever had nails and managed not to bite them all off. When I “get” my nails done a few times a year, and by that, I mean acrylics, I keep them on for a few weeks, take em off, and I’m left with real nails. Because that’s the only time I can grow them from scratch - if I have fake ones on prior and they actually get a chance to grow!
SO, I took the fake ones off several weeks ago and I’m happy to report I still have nails! I’ve even cut them down once as they were getting long enough to start ripping. That’s usually when I lose the battle and turn them back into nubs. Lovely I know. BUT, I’ve been staying strong and even managed to make it through the presentation week when I thought for sure they would not last due to my nervous nail-biting habit.
When I actually have nails kicking, I love to paint them. Seriously every day. They are by not long, but short and manicured. I either re-paint the same color or take off and put on a new one. If they start to chip, I start to bite them and then it’s over. So I have to keep them up!
Okay so that brings me to the nail polish obsession I’ve had recently. I’ve managed to collect some lovely hues over the past few weeks. I don’t buy much polish. Maybe a 99 cent bottle a few times a year. However, I “splurged” on two $6 bottles of Revlon. That’s a lot for me. Like two whole Chick Fil A meals. But they were pretty, had good coverage, and David didn’t know they cost $6 each. Boys don’t understand. But I honestly have never bought “that expensive” nail polish so I treated myself.

Stormy on the left and Demure on the right. LOVE stormy!
I also have been loving the Forever 21 colors lately. I’ve never really noticed their nail polish but while in the checkout line with my SIL a few weeks back, I started picking through and bought two, and recently bought two more. They have some FUN colors! They don’t have names though.

I don’t own many blue hues, but I have seen lots of them around lately and thought I’d give them a shot. Haven’t worn the darker of the blues, but I LOVED the light blue! So Caribbean-like and great for summer!
Today I am wearing Demure by Revlon.

Yesterday I was wearing the no-name Forever 21 light blue.

I hate up-close pictures of my hands. I’ve never had dainty girly fingers so excuse the ogre-like ones. Even my ring finger has a little fat roll. Oh well. At least I have 10 of them. And you may not notice, but the ridges in my nails are from the acrylics, the polish is really thick and smooth it’s just on top of a not-so-flat nail. Oh and I didn’t mean for this to be a “ring shot” but honestly my left hand is cuter and the paint job looks better since I’m right handed. True story.
And off the nail polish subject, tonight we went to Po’ Boys to celebrate Sarah’s birthday! We were very entertained by the 5 kiddos that kept their parents busy! I had a delicious Buffalo Chicken Po’ Boy. Yum!

Fisher and the James’. Such a sweetie pie!

The birthday girl and her hubby Tanner.

David & Fish-man!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH! Glad we got to celebrate with y’all!
Mmm kay so there’s my random hump day post!
Oh and Pee-Ess! (that’s PS in case you don’t know), I am buying photoshop tonight. So stinkin’ excited. I don’t know yet if I can purchase and download now or if I have to wait to receive the software via snail mail. I think I’ll be buying it from B&H Photo where it’s about $80 and there’s an additional $20 rebate. Now I can finally do stuff like Boost Eyes Using Photoshop and the Pioneer Woman's Photoshop Actions! Yay!