It’s been a hot minute since I shared any new house stuff. I’ve been in a project drought lately because of the holidays and not having extra time on my hands. However I’ve been itching to do something soon I just haven’t decided what yet. David is shaking in his boots. He just loves my projects! *drips with sarcasm*
Anywho! Here are two things I haven’t shared officially on the blog and figured it was way past due. I’ve also updated the Tour Our Home page.
I painted our bedroom Martha Stewart’s Seal several months ago. I’ll refresh your memory with some before pictures.
I shared the new color on Instagram.
Then I tried to take nice pictures for the blog and I noticed something. I did a really shoddy job on the painting. Y’all. I tried to ignore it and chalk it up to the lighting, but there were roller marks all over the wall. I also only did one coat. It needed another. I put everything back and figured I’d live with it and wouldn’t tell David (ha!). Until we were lying in bed one Saturday morning and the sun hit it. And he saw my hack job! I tried to convince him it was his eyes. He didn’t buy it.
Fast forward a few months later and David told me if I didn’t fix the wall I wasn’t allowed to do anything new. It was the first thing I’ve done that he wasn’t happy with. Because I did a half moon pie job. Womp-womp. Understandable. But really? That meant I had to drag everything back out and repaint. I groaned and complained but I fixed it. At least as best I could. I can still see strokes but honestly our drywall sucks too so I’m blaming it on that.
Behold, our dark moody bedroom!
I debated painting over the stencil wall. I really did. Then some folks talked me off the ledge and I figured it’d match enough to not cover up the 48 hours worth of work I put into that darn wall. Yet anyway.
Okay on to the next!
The laundry room.
Before (above), it was functional and pretty.
Then I decided I needed a workspace. And a TV. But the TV didn’t make it. I might actually enjoy emptying and folding the clothes from the dryer if I had one. Hint hint Hubbin!
I took pictures of this transformation but have somehow lost/deleted them. So all you get is an after!
I Googled and Pinterested inexpensive workspace ideas and lo and behold someone smarter than me suggested a $30 hollow door from Lowes. Ding ding ding!
I bought a door and took it to my Dad’s shop to have him help me shorten it a tad.
Then I painted it and shoved it in the space. I separated the washer and dryer first though and made room for a trash can between.
I tried removing that dingy little shelf on the side of the cabinet but it was going to leave a mess to patch up and paint behind so I left it. It makes a nice change collector holder (I’m up to 13 cents!) and a lamp (that’s cute but really not needed).
I liked the idea of having a curtain and found a pretty shower curtain at Target. I cut it in half and hemmed it to the perfect height. I’ve only done one side so far but I plan to add the other panel so it has more of a ruffled look.
I love having one big workspace. Unfortunately though it didn’t come with any magic powers that make me want to do laundry.
Oh well!
Just like I said I would when I got my PE770, I’m still monogramming all the things!
One of these days I’ll do a round up of some of my favorites but right now I’m sharing my current favorite.
A rain jacket!
My monogrammed initials read tJg by the way…
I’ve wanted a monogrammed rain jacket for a while but most shops were selling them for $50+. No thank you. All I needed was to find the right jacket and then I knew I could slap a monogram on it.
I bought this raincoat in Tennessee at a Levis outlet for $30. It’s Carhartt brand and is lightweight but has a sturdy outer layer.
I debated between white and silver thread but went with the silver to match the lining and zipper. I love how it turned out!
I also struggled with which way to place the hood monogram…I ultimately went with it being “upright” when the hood is in the down position on my back.
For the hood I only used sticky stabilizer on the back since it was curved and wasn’t the best for hooping.
I’m also loving my tiny Black Friday TV. It makes spending hours in this room much better!
For the chest piece, I used two stabilizers on the back, floated water soluble on top and hooped it. Both methods worked just fine.
I’m still LOVING my machine. It’s been worth every penny!
Cuteness right?!
Christmas this year was great. The night I got back from TN I went home, kissed my husband and pooches and then we hopped in the car to go out to eat for Mom’s birthday! She’s a Christmas Eve baby and we always celebrate with Mexican.
We got home late that night and I set to pack my stuff in the camper because we were taking it for it’s maiden voyage all the way across town to stay at my parents for the week.
Christmas morning we got up, loaded the pooches and we were off!
We parked that baby in the yard and had Christmas with my family.
We had such a great time staying over there. Big Momma and Grampy came in Christmas Day and I am so happy we got to be there to hang out. Even though some folks had to work most of the days!
Cole getting towed in by Dad. Whoopsie
David and I did manage a few days off from work. We hung out with the fam and played some croquet!
Of course Christmas isn’t complete without not one, but two ice cream runs by Grammy to Publix. Everyone gets their own flavor. That woman is something else. I love her dearly!
There was entirely too much eating done that week but with Grammy in town, it’s inevitable. She is a fabulous cook! She made her famous ronies (macaroni). It’s made up of rigatoni noodles and about 8 gazillion different types of gourmet cheese. It’s Heaven in your mouth. You can’t stop and you won’t stop eating them! Of course there is some major cheese shredding involved. Those ronies are made with love!
We made a trip to Bradley’s Country Store on Sunday and enjoyed a sausage dog, coke from a bottle, some front porch sittin’, and a freaking beautiful day.
Sunday night we played our family’s annual “Game Gift” aka White Elephant. It’s always a good time and only until recent years are the ‘kids’ allowed to play. We had 15 participating this year. Lots of fun!
Back porch fires.
Fun at the Weekley/Woods fire.
New Year’s Eve was spent by the bon fire eating chili. We rang in the stroke of midnight with horns a blowin’!
Big dawg.
Dad liked my hat.
It was a fabulous Christmas Vacation and I’m so thankful for time spent with family. Here’s to 2014!