Friday night was Lindsay’s bday dinner at Carabba’s. Now I love Carabba’s, and the only time I get to go there is Lindsay’s bday…so thank you Linds! I somehow managed to not pull out my camera once:/ Shame on me. But we had a great time and I thoroughly enjoyed my Pasta Weesie…aka shrimp fettuccini alfredo. Yum-O!
Oh and remember when I said I wanted the Father of the Bride movies for my bday? Well guess what the postman brought me? The movies! My favorite Sis-in-Law Kimbo sent them to me:) I did the happy dance at the mailbox I was so excited! Thanks again SIL! Can’t wait to watch them!!
Saturday we went to the FSU vs. Boston College game. They gave us a scare now and then but luckily we pulled out a win. The sky was gorgeous and there was hardly any humidity, but it was still H-O-T. We had the sun glaring on us the whole time and we left with a nice pair of raccoon eyes. Lindsay and Joseph came and sat with us and we had a grand ole time. I wish I had been sitting closer than our 81 row elevation, but I still had fun and managed to take quite a few pictures.

Saturday night we went out and about and did a little festive shopping. I got a few more decorative things for Halloween and even got some Christmas stuff!
After I filled my new bowl with my new glitter pumpkins, it wasn’t quite full enough so Remi and I went shopping around the ‘hood and picked up some pinecones at a whopping zero dollars a pop! Can’t get much cheaper than that.
I had some extra so I sprinkled them around the house to add to that fall-ish feel.
While we were walking I found two big frame-ish things on the side of the road in somebody’s trash pile…I picked them up and looked at them both coming and going, but 1) the people could see me from their house going through their trash and 2)I would have had to carry them all the way back along with corralling the dog. I finally decided I wanted them though so I went back to the house and grabbed David’s truck and went and loaded them up. I tried not to make eye contact with the house. You know, because someone is outside stealing their trash and they may be watching me. Poor girl, having to take stuff off the side of the road… But anywho, I’ll take a picture of them when I get around to making them “twice lovely”. But for now, just picture me standing out at your dumpster contemplating what I could make out of your old used frames. Funny thought huh?
Okay, now Sunday I did FIVE loads of laundry. Yes, 5. I used to be really really really bad about doing my laundry (before we were married and I only had my clothes to wash). I mean, I would easily have 6-7 loads when I’d finally get around to doing it. It’s not that I wore dirty clothes, it’s just that I had so many, I had no need to wash them right away. I mean I just always could find something else to wear. And not to mention I hate doing laundry so it wasn’t on the top of my to-do list. But now that I have hardly any work clothes, and David goes through clothes like it’s nobody’s business, it’s a weekly chore for sure. Well last week it kind of got skipped so this weekend there was a daunting pile waiting to be done. Anyways, don’t know why I shared that tid bit of information because now you all are thinking I’m a slob, but I had a point. While my mounds of laundry were being washed I took on a project I’ve been wanting to do for a few weeks now. Amanda over at gave a tutorial on a Camera Strap slipcover. You can see her tutorial HERE.
We went to Joann’s (Fabric Store) after the game Saturday and I had to pick out some fabrics for my slipcover. (with David in tow which was not my original plan) Did I mention it’s hard to decided what fabrics you want while your hubby is standing impatiently waiting/watching and telling me, “you’re number is about to be called”, and “they’re calling you’re number”. Me, “Well, tell them to skip me and grab me another number”. Hubby, “No, you go tell ‘em!”. Ugh. Don’t ever bring a man to the fabric shop when you have a vision. I knew I needed one color for the slip and one for the ruffle. With a completely blank pallet for me to choose from, this is hard even without a man. Too many choices! So much to David’s relief I finally decided on these two:

(Renee you will recognize the brown one;)
I wasn’t sure if they matched too well but Amanda’s were funky and I wanted mine to be too.
I won’t explain the steps because you can read them on Amanda's blog. All of it went pretty smoothly except for the ruffling. I would get it done and then break the thread and have to start over. Twice.

But third time’s a charm and once I got it all done this is my end result.

I absolutely LOVE it! I want to make more, so I can change them out often. It was very inexpensive and adds a lot of personality to my camera:)
The End.
PS- my absolute favorite fall/winter food is on the menu this week. CHILI. I could quite possibly eat chili every day of the year so I am very excited the “accepted” time of the year to eat it is now here. Sweeeet:) Lookout leftovers!!
Happy Monday!
Your camera strap looks great!! You always amaze me how crafty you really are! (I hope it comes in handy once I finally start planning my wedding and need ideas how to make/do things inexpensively :)