I also got a hook rack for the foyer which I’ve been wanting, and got it hung.
Oh and found this little birdie at Kirkland’s for cheap-cheap! I couldn’t wait to stick it on the shelves.
Randomly decided to paint the black “J” hanging on our brown bedroom walls, white. Don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner but I LOVE it and now it actually shows up on the wall. (I used leftover paint from the jewelry frame) Love giving it the distressed look too.
I also bought some new shoes! They weren’t cheap but I love them and I honestly haven’t bought a pair of nice tennishoes in a looong time so I decided I was due. BUT I decided I needed a half size smaller so I exchanged them at lunch. BUT they didn't have my size in the store so they had to order them...always something!
Saturday morning I took my car in to get it’s first oil change since we’ve hit over 4,000 miles. I was there at 7:40 a.m. to try and be first since they open at 8. I was second there but as soon as they opened at 8 they took it right back. By 8:30 it was done and I was on my way. Or so I thought…I pulled out of the dealership and the car felt a little funny, kind of “rinkety”. I’m driving further away from GMC and then realize the car won’t hardly accelerate…and then comes the smoke. I am at about CRMC by this time. Crap!! I barely pull a U-ey & am sitting in the median sputtering and then finally get a break to pull out and that’s when it just gets worse. The car will barely go, the engine is clinking & there is so much smoke coming out of the exhaust that I can’t see out of my back window. And this is not an exaggeration. I am freaking out, breaking down (which I’ve never had to experience so far in my life) & so I pull over (still in the road, but to the shoulder) and I’m shaking, trying to call the darn service # that is on the sticker they just put on my windshield. Great, it gives a busy signal. So here I am, brand new car that’s smoking/sputtering/clinking that was running just perfect before I took it to the place to get a dang routine oil change. So now what do I do..?! I had to be home no later than 10 for prior engagements & it is now pushing 9:15. I didn’t want to just stop and let it completely break down and have to get towed when I am in a hurry and could nearly see the dealership. So I push on…all the while annihilating the road behind me with all the smoke and finally make it back to GMC. By now I’m really upset, worried that the car is now seriously damaged, David’s out of town, & I have 45 minutes til I have to be at my house to leave in time for my next outing. I pull back up and the technician and other customer that were outside are staring at the smoke lingering in the parking lot from where I just was, with a puzzled look and I say”It’s coming from THIS!!” as I jump out of the car. Which I was fearing at this point might just EXPLODE! I think about all this now and it’s actually pretty darn funny, but at the time it WAS NOT. Back to the story. They took it right back and long story short, turns out the computer system that programs how much oil to put in the cars was broken and they didn’t know it. Apparently my car holds 5.5 quarts and the machine put 8 quarts in. SO, the oil had of course gone everywhere/spilled/ what-have-you and was burning off as the smoke. Holy. Cow. They fixed it, cleaned it up and did a thorough check to make sure nothing was messed up because of what had happened. Thankfully *knock on wood* my car is running like a champ, (like before!) and you would never know anything happened. Not exactly what you want happening to a 3 month old vehicle…GRRR.
Now to where I had to be that day after the “incident”. I got an invite in the mail for a brunch to be thrown by my good friend Lindsay who got engaged earlier this year. Now it was brunch day but there was no specifics on why she was having a brunch. Everybody knows that in Tallahassee people just don’t have brunches for no reason. We ain’t fancy like that ‘round here! I had a hunch that it was possibly a bridesmaid reveal brunch but didn’t want to think that & then very well couldn’t have even been a consideration for the role so I kept that only to my fam. Anywho, long story short it was a bridesmaid brunch and I am SO honored that Lindsay asked me to be in her wedding! First we mingled and it was good catching up with old friends. Then we were told we had presents and everyone was given a framed picture of themselves with the Bride-to-be, a card, & cute little wine glass tags with the appropriate title on each! And on the back of the frames were the appropriate questions for each girl, “Will you be my…?” Such a cute idea! The food was delicious & pretty and the company was great. I absolutely can’t wait for the Sunday Wedding, coming Fall 2011!! Lindsay is going to be a stunning bride, let the festivities begin!
A few more randoms for this post- my bathinsuit never did show up. I’ve been given two case numbers from USPS & have talked to them at least 7 times. And then a credit showed up to my bank account for the bathingsuit:( Guess it got sent back. So now what to do…I don’t want to order from the site because I don’t know if they even have my size left. I’m so bummed…
Also, on a recent Wal-Mart trip I got this cool little tumbler. I absolutely LOVE my tervis tumblers, which this is not, but it’s still an insulated, reusable cup…with a screw on lid and straw! I’m so excited about it. I just enjoy cups with tops and straws, and not to mention this one looks like a disposable but it’s not. It’s also not as big as the tervis cups with straws so I won’t drink as much of whatever most likely unhealthy beverage I am drinking! Can’t wait to put something in it!
Lastly, I’ll leave you with some pics of the photoshoot I conducted of Remington on Sunday. Nothing better to do and I like it that way!
LOVE what you did with your "J"! It looks awesome! And the kicks are cute!! Where did you get them? I'm in the market for some.. you remember the Relay for Life we did with Ash with the Pirates of the Carribean theme? Thats the last time I bought sneakers! So needless to say, its time! And thank you, once again, for saying I'll be a stunning bride, you are too sweet! And of course you were always considered for the role :)
ReplyDeleteOMG I would freaking cry or stab someone if that happened to mine.. you try to keep it perfect and the DEALERSHIP fucks it up... I hope you caught it soon enough and it didn't do any damage, too much oil can be just as bad as NO oil (not to upset you) and did it really get oil all in the engine also?? :O I cant believe that people are so damn lazy now that they have to use a computer to fill the engine.. what is the point of an ASE certified technician if they aren't there to even look at the 8 quarts that got put in... ugh I feel like it happened to me, im all mad and stuff lol